Sunday 6 April 2014

Beyoncé - Drunk in Love

By Shana Subelsky Tibi, Sarasota, Florida-
In 1992, I was probably the youngest audience member at a Leonard Cohen concert in Detroit.  I went with my mom and step-father, who introduced me to Cohen's music.  I quickly found myself loving the poetic abstract lyrics and gravelly voice he used to tell his stories. 

It was around that time period that I fell madly in love with Bob Dylan and also the Grateful Dead.  I "came of age," so to speak, as the Dead wound down their massive touring. I never saw them live.  I was a camp counselor in the summer of 1995 when the Dead traveled through Michigan for the "millionth" time.  I remembered considering quitting my job to go to the show.  But summer camp was one of the biggest parts of my life and I couldn't let it go. I missed the show, then Jerry Garcia died a couple of months later. 

I missed out on that, but I did however, see many influential live shows, including Bob Dylan. I'm from the Detroit, Michigan area.  A place mixed with intense rock and serious rap and hip hop.  All of those genres, including folk, influenced my love of music.  Music, in it's varied forms in time and space was a constant companion for me. 

So, why on earth am I choosing to write about Beyoncé?  Besides my deep love for R&B and Hip Hop, I truly find Beyoncé to be inspirational.  Lately, she's been ruffling a lot of feathers.  Whether it be from moms not approving her clothing, or Bill O'Reilly condemning/ continuing to comment on her sexiness, Beyoncé is a hot topic.  As she should be!  As a grown woman, married for four years, with three children under the age of three (yes I have twins!), I can tell you first-hand how damn hard it is to balance it all and look good doing it. 

After the birth of my twins in May 2013, it's been a roller coaster of happiness and challenges, both for my own body image as well as my marriage.  I'm lucky to have a husband who supports me and is an amazing father.  I can't say I've always reciprocated his affection in the past year.  After the hundredth diaper change, endless crying, nose wiping, and toddler tantrums in one day, I'm DONE at the end of the day. 

Enter Beyoncé and Jay-Z duetting with Drunk In Love.  It's a smoking hot song.  She's a grown woman, with a husband, a child, a career, and self-confidence.  Sometimes you gotta "fake it til you make it" as a mom, wife, or anything you want to be a success.  With the help of Beyoncé, I went back to the gym, started to feel better about myself, began to relax, and yes be intimate with my ever loving and patient husband.

Even though I don't have her money, or body, I feel very empowered listening to Beyoncé.  She is a modern day feminist!  Who else in the music business today comes from a two parent household, is still married, has children, is NOT in rehab, and continues to evolve as a relevant artist? 

Go, Beyoncé, go!  For me, in this current phase of my life, Beyoncé is my soundtrack.

Shana Subelsky Tibi is a wife, mother, and works two part time jobs.  She writes content and does marketing at