Written by Helen Lord, Kent, UK -
Any time I hear the intro music to Vienna by Ultravox it transports me back to college in Hampshire - sitting in the portacabin common room.
There was a huge jukebox in one corner, lots of big low circular tables with huge ashtrays covered in cigarette butts and crisp packets. We would buy 15p sausage rolls and endless cups of hot chocolate; the wonderful woman behind the counter was always trying to make sure we all ate properly but that was before, 5 a day and sausage rolls were the cheapest thing on the menu...!
Wednesday lunchtimes were the best. Most of 'our group' were in and free at the same time. On those days we had to pull 3 of the big tables together so we could all fit. Nick would be talking about calling the operator to ask if Busby can come out and play. Usually there would be an agreement to meet at the pub for lager and black later on.
Chris, Kenton, Glenn, the two Phils, Rachael, Louise, Rob, Sally, Becky and so many more - studying together, passing polos around the class, laughing joking and waiting for the next break to climb those wet stairs and stand in line to get the next hot chocolate fix -
Helen lives in Northwest Kent and runs a private practice for hypnotherapy (Hypnotherapist Helen Lord) and NLP (Give Away Your).